Placing the order is simple, fast, convenient and safe: you enter the chosen products in the cart, simply by clicking on the "Add to cart"button. It is always possible to delete or add products to the cart, or change the quantities.

Once you have finished choosing the products, by clicking on the "Check out"button, you go to the page where you can enter your data. The next steps will allow you to choose the other parameters of the order, such as, for example, forma of payment, method of delivery, etc ..

- the insertion is very simple and is completed in a few minutes

- the form to be filled in is clear and orderly: the mandatory fields are indicated and there is no risk of forgetting essential data for the correct execution of the order

- it is possible to do tests and tests, adding and removing articles, to become familiar with the system

- once the order is completed you automatically receive, in your e-mail box, the order confirmation that summarizes all the elements (personal data, payment methods, products, prices, quantities and shipping costs)

- other emails may be sent to communicate delivery times and to report the order has been processed, as soon as the goods have been delivered to the courier in charge of transport

- registered Customers can access their order archive and check its status (accepted, in preparation, shipped, etc.).